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Permaculture design

Permaculture design looks at ideas and methods for creating long-term, sustainable, self- maintaining systems for agricultural land, animal systems, houses, projects and communities.  We look at the elements: An element is one of the fundamental components making up the whole…

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Ego Lemos- Impact Hero finalist 2019

Congratulations! Ego Lemos (Tropical Permaculture Guidebook’s co-author).  

Earth Company selects one Impact Hero a year– an exceptional change-maker that has the potential to shape the future of developing countries in the Asia-Pacific.

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Natural Resources and Local Knowledge as the Foundation for Life

“If you have three people in a village with a creative mind, then your village will grow stronger, it will be prepared for the necessary development and to confront challenges again.”  – Francisco Da Costa, Group leader of Love Timorese Culture

Field practices were conducted at the homes of nearby villages in Maubisse.

Inspiring creativity for development with available natural resources has been the mission of educators, activists, and farmers of PERMATIL (Permaculture Timor-Lorosa’e) since its inception.  PERMATIL’s biannual Perma-Youth camp has continued to expand this inspiration and practice in Timor-Leste since 2008. This year’s camp incorporated FinFest (Finadu Festival, also known as the Day of the Dead), a celebration of cultural values tied to food, traditional rituals and ceremonies.

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Banana Pit

Banana Pit / Composting Gardens

The banana pit/compost pit is an excellent way to feed vegetables and trees.

Bananas and papayas especially like to grow around the compost pits, but do not plant them together as they compete too much for space and nutrients.

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