Announcing the inaugural
International PermaYouth Convergence: 20 TO 25 October 2025
A Six Day Event in Timor-Leste
The International PermaYouth Convergence (IPYC–2025) will be a celebration of permaculture, arts, culture and music spread across six days. This inaugural event will be based on the highly successful PermaYouth movement in Timor-Leste. By sharing permaculture knowledge and practice with participants from across the world, we’re building an active global PermaYouth network, future leadership and global environmental stewardship.
‘You must first plant knowledge and practice before you plant water, a seed or a tree’.

Bringing youth, Environment, arts, culture and music together in one event
The IPYC–2025 will bring together delegations of youth (17 to 35 years) and their community leaders from six continents to camp onsite in Fatuquero, Ermera. Participants will have six days to participate in permaculture practice, learn from one another, share stories, make friendships and become part of a global youth network of future caretakers of our planet.
By day participants will be immersed in all things permaculture to share and engage in practical activities about food, water and climate resilience, leadership training and cultural exchanges.
By night participants will come together to share and enjoy a celebration and exchange of knowledge of indigenous culture, music, art and friendship.
After the event concludes, participants are encouraged to spend extra time visiting the many cultural sites in Dili or travel further to experience the delights of Timor-Leste outside of the capital.
Post event, The PermaYouth Association (Timor-Leste) will work with participants to help build an active international PermaYouth network.
planting water, growing communities
Co-hosted by Permatil (Timor-Leste), Permatil Global (Australia) and the PermaYouth Association (Timor-Leste), this 6-day event will focus on developing environmental and leadership skills, based around the theme of Planting water, growing communities.
The program will highlight innovative and effective watershed management practices including in water and ecosystem restoration and catchment management, working with your community, and the benefits that come from learning and sharing together.
The events will be held in the village of Fatuquero, Ermera, in the mountains west of Dili, Timor-Leste.
The program includes permaculture practice and development of leadership skills in:
- Planting water – water restoration and catchment management
- Permaculture design and ecosystem restoration strategies
- Sloping Agriculture Land Technology (SALT)
- Conservation agriculture (agro-ecology)
- Agro-forestry
- Sanitation strategies including compost toilets
- Aquaculture
- Community engagement and participation
- Leadership and management skills
More information and a full program will be available soon.
There are five ways you can participate:
- You could organise a group of up to 10 youth (aged 17 to 35) from your local community, along with a supervisor who will lead the group and be the primary contact for the group’s attendance
- You could be a session presenter or adult observer
- You could be a event volunteer
- You could be a festival performer or artist
- You could become a global champion (individual or organisation) to help mobilise and manage participation at the IPYC–2025 from different regions of the world.
IPYC–2025 organisers

IPYC–2025 supporters