‘Permaculture is a design system for resilient living and land use based on universal ethics and ecological design principles.‘ David Holmgren
Through applying and practicing permaculture individually and as communities we will achieve resilient living while concurrently helping to address the pressing current crises of climate change, pollution, loss of diversity and diminishing resources.
Permaculture is designing sustainably abundant societies as part of protecting and preserving water supply, agricultural land and the greater environment. The word is derived from Permanent Agriculture and Permanent Culture with the focus on using practices that enable agriculture and culture to improve, strengthen and become healthier as time progresses.
Through permaculture we see the world in a new way. Permaculture provides the framework to design, create and maintain communities where all parts of our lifestyle achieve sustainability and resilience. Techniques and strategies are based on natural science and patterns, understanding and utilising ecosystem models together with many traditional indigenous practises. It uses integration, innovation and regenerative practices to achieve our goals.
The ethics of permaculture ensure that we are considerate and thoughtful in working with the environment, respecting all people and acting to improve the future. Permaculture’s principles encourage and challenge us to be creative, follow initiative and use our common sense.