Rosemary Morrow talks about the guidebook

Rosemary ‘Rowe’ Morrow has lent her vast wealth of knowledge and practice, both in working in tropical and developing countries as well as her teaching and writing experience, to be an advisor for the Tropical Permaculture Guidebook. She talks here about the original guidebook from Timor-Leste and her hopes for this new edition.
“Several years ago I came across the original publication and thought what an excellent resource it is for villages and teachers of permaculture.
It’s strength lies in the number of strategies and techniques it offer practitioners. The book is easy to handle and well indexed. The drawings are clear and represent a reality for readers. It is especially valuable in being available in several languages. I introduced it to a permaculture design class in East Timor and the students were excited to have information of such good quality.
The book’s potential is beyond the islands of SE Asia. For example I had some chapters of the book translated into Luganda in Uganda and it was immediately swallowed up by keen students and we could have printed many many copies.
Having taught in so many tropical countries with their range of ecosystems, it is evident that the guidebook needs wider dissemination around the equatorial regions. All equatorial east and west Africa, and then there is South America. One of the problems in disseminating permaculture information is lack of suitable and relevant resources particularly for the tropic regions. I hope the present book will be revised, updated and made available to students and farmers to meet a need for their will and right to know, and render their lives more sustainable and productive.”
Rosemary Morrow
Renowned Permaculture author, trainer and practitioner, both in Australia and internationally.
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