Brogo Permaculture Gardens and the guidebook
John Champagne, renowned permaculture trainer and practitioner in Australia and SE Asia, shares how he uses the original Timor-Leste guidebook, upon which this Tropical Permaculture Guidebook is based. ' The publication of 'A Permaculture Guidebook for East Timor' in 2008…
Banana Pit / Composting Gardens
The banana pit/compost pit is an excellent way to feed vegetables and trees. Bananas and papayas especially like to grow around the compost pits, but do not plant them together as they compete too much for space and nutrients. It…
Family Gardens
A family garden provides many benefits for many people and is at the heart of family life. A healthy and productive family garden provides: Tasty and nutritious non-staple foods all year round Extra food to make sauces, pickles, jams, etc…
New chapters being read in 71 Countries
We've been compiling our download data and so far that's how many countries we've had downloads from! Countries are highlighted blue, still many to go! Thanks and we hope that you find the new Tropical Permaculture Guidebook really useful and relevant. We're…
Timor Leste: Living Sciences and Life Long Skills in Schools
One of many new school garden projects in Timor Leste, not just teaching permaculture and organic gardening skills to children but also providing food for school lunches. Tropical Permaculture Guidebook co-author Eugenio Lemos has been working to bring permaculture and…
Permafund supports publication with a $1000 grant
In 2015 Permafund donated $1,000 to Permatil to develop new tropical permaculture guidebook. Permaculture Australia offer small grants to community based organisations in Australia or overseas to support work restoring and improving the environment and building sustainable communities. The book—an…