Permafund supports publication with a $1000 grant

In 2015 Permafund donated $1,000 to Permatil to develop new tropical permaculture guidebook.
Permaculture Australia offer small grants to community based organisations in Australia or overseas to support work restoring and improving the environment and building sustainable communities.
The book—an update of the 2008 Permaculture Guidebook for Timor Leste- is the work of East Timorese and Australian organisations Permatil (Permaculture Timor Leste), xpand Foundation and Disruptive Media.
‘It’s been a popular publication and often difficult to get copies of. Feedback regarding its usefulness has always being positive. Numerous copies have been photocopied and distributed throughout SE Asia to aid workers and used as the text book on many PDCs.’ John Champagne, Member of the Permafund Committee.
Permatil applied to Permafund Australia to support the project, enabling authors, Lachlan McKenzie and Ego Lemos to work together in Dili, Timor Leste in June and July.
Lachlan says “Permaculture Australia have supported Permatil projects over many years, not just financially but also in providing encouragement, promotion of projects and technical assistance.”
“With the financial support from Permafund, I was able to be in Timor and work on the first draft and review with Ego.”
‘The money has been incredibly useful and absolutely vital for getting the project moving.’
‘This trip not only enabled us to review the entire first text draft with co-writer Ego Lemos, but also to create three new funding partnerships with NGOs working in East Timor – Oxfam Timor Leste, Mercy Corps and CRS. This new funding enabled us to work with the artists to complete the new illustrations as well as continuing with writing and editing the text and starting the graphic design formatting process.
‘Over 2 very busy months we produced over 300 new illustrations, with many of the highly detailed works showing many different techniques able to be included multiple times in various chapters.’
The Tropical Permaculture Guidebook is raising money to complete this new edition so that it can be available online for free download across the tropical world.
Permafund Grants
Permafund is the charitable arm of Permaculture Australia. Since 2012 Permafund has supplied supporting funds to projects in developing countries and in Australia and New Zealand. Its charter is to promote and support projects around the world that have a strong permaculture element.
Permafund redistributed eight thousand dollars last year as part of their 2015 Grant process.
You or your group can support the work of Permafund. Donations over $2 are tax deductible in Australia. We also welcome all permies and all permie groups to get in touch with us.